Benefits of Ceramic Therapy for Horses

ceramic therapy for horsesAlternative therapies can do a great deal in gently aiding your horse’s wellbeing. One such alternative therapy popular among horse owners is ceramic therapy. Ceramic therapy involves ceramic fibers being interwoven and fused into fabric, which is then used in horse equipment such as wraps, boots, blankets or saddle pads. When the products come into contact with a heat source, such as a horse’s leg or back, the ceramic infused fabrics reflect body heat back toward the horse through long-wave infrared radiation. This type of therapy treatment is beneficial for a variety of reasons: Continue reading

Get Ready for the Cold – Winter Barn Supplies

winter barn suppliesWhile you are enjoying the perfect fall riding weather, it’s hard to think about winter’s fast approach. With the cold weather of winter comes frozen water buckets and hoses, blanket changes, difficulty getting water to the paddocks, hard ground and of course the likelihood of lots of snow removal. But fear not! With our selection of tricks for outfitting your stable with the right winter barn supplies, winter will be a breeze. Continue reading

Benefits of a Wool Dress Sheet

dress sheetEven on cool or cold days, your horse can become sweaty during a workout. Proper aftercare involves covering him to prevent him from catching a chill and ensuring that he dries completely before he’s returned to a stall or paddock. Many anti-sweat sheets and horse coolers are available to do the job effectively, but you might decide to treat your horse to a wool dress sheet. Here are a few of the benefits of wool dress sheets that make them a favorite horse clothing item of ours: Continue reading

How to Cool Down a Horse in Summer

how to cool down a horse

A proper cool down is always important, but with summer rides taking place in hot and often humid weather, your horse is more likely to become overheated while working. Make sure to keep an eye on the heat index (combination of temperature and humidity) and tailor your rides accordingly so both you and horse exercise without overdoing it. After a ride, follow these general guidelines on how to cool down a horse to ensure your horse is comfortable when you put him back in his stall or pasture this summer. Continue reading

Does My Horse Need a Fly Sheet? – 3 Reasons He Might

riders international fly sheetWith plush, green pastures, bright sunny skies and warm temperatures, summer can easily be your horse’s favorite time of the year for turnout. While chilly temperatures are gone, and winter blankets have been sent off for washing or storage until next season, your horse may still benefit from being covered with a fly sheet. A fly sheet does more than just ward off flies, so before you decide your horse is fine sheet-free, consider these reasons he might need one: Continue reading

Benefits of Equine Massage Therapy

equine massage therapy

Who doesn’t love treating themselves to a massage? With the relaxing effects, the great feeling while it’s being performed and the even better way your muscles feel afterward, it’s no wonder athletes especially benefit. One of the greatest athletes you know is likely your horse, and with over 60% of his body weight being made up by muscle, equine massage therapy may be an appropriate way to support your horse’s wellbeing. Continue reading

Stable Flies Are No Surprise – 6 Tips to Prepare for Fly Season

stable flies

With the arrival of spring comes the arrival of biting stable flies, nuisance house flies and other insects around the barn. Nice weather doesn’t necessarily mean you and your horse have to suffer the presence of flies. With just a few simple, preventative steps, you can drastically limit the fly population around your horses and their environment before they start to become a problem. Continue reading

Types of Common Horse Vaccines

Spring is right around the corner, and in between dreaming about riding outside in beautiful weather most riders are also thinking about taking care of their horse’s spring vaccines. There are a range of common horse vaccines available that owners can select from to help protect their horses. Here is a list of the most common horse vaccines that you may be considering for your horse this spring. As always, be sure to consult with your veterinarian on what is appropriate for your specific horse, especially in cases where a mare may be pregnant and with young horses. Continue reading

Developing a Horse Deworming Schedule

horse deworming scheduleParasites, including varying types of worms and bots, are present in your horse’s paddocks and living areas and can make their way inside your horse, affecting him throughout their life cycles. Left untreated, internal parasites can cause weight loss, itching, lethargy, digestive and gastro-intestinal problems, malnourishment and even colic. Fortunately, controlling internal parasites in your horse is fairly easy with an appropriate horse deworming schedule developed with the help of your veterinarian. Continue reading

Body Clipping and Types of Horse Clips

types of horse clips

As the evenings are dropping in temperature, your horse’s coat is likely changing and growing in thick for the winter.  If your horse is in regular work and tends to run hot enough to work up a sweat, you may be considering body clipping. Body clipping allows the horse to dry off quickly after becoming damp or sweaty, reducing the chance of it catching a chill and becoming ill. Not all horses need to be body clipped, and if you only ride your horse leisurely or not at all, he should be fine keeping his coat. There are a variety of types of horse clips to choose from, and depending on the amount of work you will be doing with your horse and how hot he runs, some may be more appropriate than others. Take a look at these popular types of horse clips to see what might work best for you: Continue reading