Guest Blog: EquiOtic™ – The “Real” Approach to Equine Probiotics


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Curious about introducing probiotics into your horse’s nutrition plan? Hear from EquiOtic themselves to answer all of your questions about the difference between EquiOtic and other probiotics available— and how you can help support your horse’s gastrointestinal health to the fullest!

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How to Dress the “Super-Sensitive” Horse for Fly Season

Most of us know a horse that absolutely hates bugs. Even the sight of a bug has him stomping, flinching, and swishing his tail all day long. Some horses, such as Thoroughbreds, have very sensitive skin and get easily irritated by flies and other insects in turnout. A susceptible horse like this may need the complete coverage of a fly sheet, fly mask, fly boots and fly spray, or any combination of these, to stay comfortable. Does this sound like your horse? Check out a few of our suggestions for products that go beyond your everyday fly spray and can help you and your horse beat the bugs this summer.

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